I have a B.S. in journalism and I can *not* stand shoddy journalism. I have a full-time job as an accountant because, among other reasons, there are so few journalism jobs available, especially to young (under 30 years old) journalism students.
I have a B.S. in journalism and I can *not* stand shoddy journalism. I have a full-time job as an accountant because, among other reasons, there are so few journalism jobs available, especially to young (under 30 years old) journalism students.
911 calls released by police showed that a man, reportedly (Ricardo) Lockette, called from the apartment saying that the woman wouldn't leave Kaepernick's room.
Fabulous. Now perhaps we can stop with this ridiculous "sexual investigation" crap when instead these guys should have been recognized for doing the right thing. We can only hope all men would call the paramedics when a woman is that inebriated and incoherent at their party/home.
If God is omnipotent, could he make a dick so beautiful that a guy could suck it without sinning? #Philosophicalquandaries
I think it's hard to overstate the damage that Jezebel does to American feminism, all in an effort to generate clicks.
As HermioneStranger posted, female-on-female violence in relationships is extremely overlooked, and what little in-depth on the subject shows that it's as common as heteronormative violence in relationships. In fact, many of the current survey's on the subject of violence in relationship privilege heteronormative…
Actually, there's very little research on intimate partner violence within LGBTQ relationships, but much of the better research on it suggests that rates of violence within same-sex relationships are roughly the same as rates within heterosexual relationships. If lesbians are beating each other up at the same rates…
Male anger is not just constantly validated, but glorified. Whole media franchises are based around it. Anger is what we're allowed to express. Noble visions of men still focus around the direction of anger towards deserving targets and exerting mastery.
I think you opened up the wrong app or something—this isn't Reddit and there are no downvotes here. That said you are correct inasmuch as I wish I could downvote this idiotic comment.
A ban on adult LGBT leaders, right? Not a ban on adult leaders.
Cool story.
Should have just done what I did, and stayed ignorant and uneducated! Who needs to know stuff? Dweebs, I suspect.
bunch of men dropping out of the labor force because the economy destroyed them.
It amuses me that you think rearing the next generation of working men and women is somehow not contributing to the "productive" economy.
I've sat there as my friends wife joking listed negative personality characteristics she attributes to "small dick guys", and the entire time I'm just thinking "you're talking about me". So yeah, it happens
It is absolutely the same thing.
I understood it was a joke. I just don't happen to think wishing death on human beings for something they can't change is particularly funny
If you delete the word "One" from the title of this article, I think it would be more appropriate. This study actually shows what women want from their nightstands. Or, more specifically, from the drawer in their nightstands...assuming that's where they keep their sex toys.
What about a great personality? Women love a nice girthy personality, right? S'what my mom told me.