
I dunno - how far and accurately can he throw a football?

Chemtrails is the one that is popular around my FB this week.

seriously, for a name like science isn't scary it seems a little odd that you would leave a story that smells to high heaven like this and would, in fact, scare people.

But don't you know, big sounding names that people don't understand are scary! Chemicals are the devil.

I don't even need to click that link to know you just dropped some Paxton realness right there.

because it sounds like it could easily be a guy with a kind of cuckolding fetish who wants to talk about it a lot

There is a strong trans* element in TwoX, it's just named that as shorthand so people know it's for ladies. Every Image Fest Friday lots of lovely trans* ladies post pics of their transitions and there is a lot of open chat about trans* issues. I remember one particularly heartwarming day when a trans* woman posted

For me, it's been a great site to read about and discuss topics I don't get elsewhere. I subscribe to a sub-reddit called "AskHistorians" where I often read about interesting or odd historical topics that I doubt I'd see anywhere else.

I spend a bit of time at TXC and overall I think it's an incredibly inclusive/accepting place (at least before the defaulting...). I was super leery of reddit in general at first, but there are really some great people/spaces there worth checking out.

I see some people here are confused, so if you're really interested in this drama, here is a An explainer to reddit and the twox drama.

You can buy it on Amazon, and it's not cheap, but it's well worth it. This is one of those shows you go back to again and again because it's a brand new show the second time you watch it, knowing what everything that happens actually means. It's just brilliantly written.

Yes. It's a long, detailed and brutal political treatise on what the world would be like if extreme conservatives had their way. There are no heroes, villains often triumph and women are deprived of all basic rights in the name of patriarchal values.
The only ones who manage to survive are those who defy the rules and

Yes, and whenever Jezebel has to explain to us why something matters, I know the answer is "because we want to continue writing a million speculative and unnecessary posts about it."

That's great but if you're peeved enough about the Jez programming schedule to come in here and drop this comment then maybe you should just stop clicking. That's the only thing that will make it go away.

Ha ha ha ha! Oh, Lindy! Don't get me wrong, I clicked and I'll keep clicking b/c it's entertaining. And the conspiracy theories! But, nope, this incident does not really "matter".

The God of Pageviews, through the offering of clicks.

Let's be honest here: the elevator incident matters because it gets Gawker Media a lot of page views.

Oof is right.

And if Kinja didn't hate me SO MUCH, I would post the picture of them that I sneakily took under the table in the kitchen.