
Except servers are required to "tip out". which maids are not. Servers in BC in 90% of restaurants tip out based on their sales, not their tips. so if you don't tip your server at all, they are actually having to pay the kitchen staff about 10% of your meal. in some restaurants, cactus club for example, they have to

In Vancouver living wage is calculated at $20.10/hr. In Victoria living wage is calculated at $18.73/hr. Minimum wage for servers in BC is $9/hr. Many people in the service industry are students/low income. Tip your servers— they rely on tips to meet their basic needs.

That's the model I'd rather have, but you have to understand that legally, your statement "it's a gift not a wage" is factually false. In most of the country, tips are considered part of wages.

It's extremely bad manners. Every time you don't tip, you're stealing from your server. Regardless of whether you tip, your server has to tip out, at a minimum, the kitchen and bar. When you don't tip, that means serving you costs your server 5-10% of the cost of your meal. I know owners and managers who ban people

Our wages for tipping don't cover the 'cost of living wage' that a higher wage w/o tipping would cover, like they have in Australia (one example.) If you disagree with the culture, don't participate in it; it's like not you have some inalienable right to be waited on. Right now, you're not doing that. You're

Just so you know, you suck as a human being. Internet hugs for being an asshole!

I'm not sure it's a gift in all places.

Yes, obviously. The cost of paying servers a living wage will get passed on to the consumer no matter what, the functional difference being that generous people won't be contributing twice as much to server incomes as stingy assholes.

Taco Bell Ingredients:

If you eat any foods that you didn't prepare from scratch yourself, you are probably already eating all of these things on a regular basis. They are in basically everything. might want to scroll down on that Fitness Pal link to the person who notes the difference between food-preparation phosphates and oral sodium phosophates like the ones that were withdrawn from the market.

To each his own, I guess — I've always seen the "I find Asian guys to be hot!" variety of comments to verge on being either over-compensation or just flat-out creepy.

I'm not sure what is worse in the thread — the blatantly racist white woman who doesn't find Asian men attractive, but instead fetishizes black men and wants to share with us how much black cock she's had, or the other white women who are fetishizing the Hell out of Asian dudes.

Generalizing a whole ethnicity based off one incident is prejudice and racist behavior and I'm pretty sure you understand that. Derailing a conversation doesn't make it any less true.

First of all, I wasn't making an ad hominem attack, I was personally insulting you. You do know the difference, right?

If you want to have a constructive conversation or discussion, or even just blurt out your feelings about an issue, it helps to at least have a well thought out enough statement that it goes beyond preaching to the choir.

All humans are completely insane

Why do people get such a thrill out of bragging about their own barbaric revenge fantasies? It doesn't prove that you are better than the accused.

Have you tried joining the army, big boy? That's literally a soldier's job. And with modern American weaponery, I'm pretty sure you can get a Kill-Death ratio better than 1:24.

And you don't have to. We do not abolish the death penalty for the benefit of murderers and rapists, we do it for the benefit of the 4% of those sitting a death row who are innocent.