
Definitely not the same—the intent and outcome for women is devastating; for men, not so much. At the same time, however, it's fair to categorize them both as traumatic sexual mutilation. One just leaves fewer scars.

And men with eyes and teeth will probably have to have medical attention for those unnecessary body parts, too.

I have no opinions on vegetarians, but the phrase "meat culture" is hilarious (and comparing it to patriarchy is downright hilarious/infuriating). You are not a marginalized group because you made a dietary choice that isn't common. Saying cooking meat smells delicious is not a slur or attack on vegetarianism, jesus.

Clown school.

Aw dang. I was kind of hoping for some tips on the signalling interest segment, as opposed to making fun of people who don't know how to do that. Because I don't know how to signal interest or availability, for reals. That's the explanation I've always received for why I am never ever approached by interested

"proven that flirting works,"*

Now playing

Being desperately single in spring, I believed for a second that I was about to get some real solid tips to turn this whole thing around. Well played

And in addition the the weight coming back, depending on how long you were "cleansing", your metabolism could be deeply fucked, thus making you gain even more weight than you originally had on you. Man, is there anything juice cleanses can't do?

Didn't know you could actually bottle and sell child abuse nowadays. I'm in the wrong business. (cries)

Thank you. To be clear, I was trolling you. Am new to this trolling thing and would appreciate it if you would rate my troll on a scale of 1 to 10. Thanks in advance.

Well, my SIL doesn't like water with lemon because she grew up poor and she considers that "pretentious rich people water." It's kind of funny the random things that pop up that she identifies as "privileged asshole" signifiers.

I have a really difficult time understanding you when you write like this.

Don't talk about what they don't care about. Jeeze!

Oh my god, I don't even care that she was filming while driving, going too slow for his taste in the passing lane, or egging him on. Tailgaters are the flea-bitten, oozing armpit of humanity. Nine times out of ten they are men who think they are hot shit like this guy, who think that their time and their life and

Check ibiza's comment history. He/she (I strongly suspect 'he') is clearly trolling this site. Every comment is like a right-winger's stereotype of a man-hating feminist.

THIS is where that troll meme belongs.

omg. i really can't tell if you are being serious or are just an MRA type trolling??

This isn't a funny thing. This is someone's son, brother, friend, who is dead now. The tone of this piece is fucking shameful.

I love how this article pokes fun at the domestic homicide...I'm sure if the husband had killed the wife this author would have kept the same tone right?

Not a bad come back. :p