Your salty tears are delicious.
Your salty tears are delicious.
That’s the snack-food gods punishing you for choosing snackwells, Sally.
I thought it was Lions fans who enjoyed slurping butt...
Piss Weber
My bad, like my hero, Chief Hopper, I was deep into the Schlitz cans when I commented.
Dafuq took you so long to get into Stranger Things?
I know you are biased against the redskins due to living among so many of our blind homer fans, but you really should look at the redskins defense. Giving up 23.5 points per game (middle of the pack) but more importantly, haven’t given up a 2nd half touchdown in the past 4 games (all wins btw). In the last game, the…
Here’s where they were, if interested:
Socialist NSA? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Fuck off, asshole.
Hey Adam jones, this is why nobody wants to come to Camden yards. Keep giving gifts to players who beat you mercilessly when you really need a win.
How did Batbaro get hurt? I'm pretty sure it was when that Asian dude jumped onto the track and punched him.
Philly is hot garbage water. Top ten and tied with Austin? Y’all out yo’ damn minds.
Too bad you can't just delete your original post
I hope he gets it shipped soon, he's gonna need that yellow banner reattached to his back.
Just watched episode 2. I’m the same age as you and remember most of it. If the show is as accurate as it is supposed to be, oj was a sorry bitch. He should of shot himself in the bronco.
I'm pretty sure I didn't need to know any of that.
You had me at “savage bear-children”. Well done, Magary.