
The minute I found out that Lena Dunham was on Twitter I was just like WHO CARES

LIVE! Killed LIVE and on the air! We now have people being MURDERED on live TV. We have CHILDREN being murdered in their classrooms. Nothing gets done. We, as a country, through our inaction have said this is A-OKAY. Just another day in the beautiful United States! Let freedom ring and god bless America and her guns!

There is no universal European culture.

And maybe I am going out on a limb here. But being a foreigner too... Do you even find this offensive at all? Because this reminds me of the time Lana del Rey dressed up like an LA gang member and Jezebel was trying to tell me that she was “appropriating Latina culture”. And I’m all confused because a) I’m Argentine

1. There is NO SUCH THING as African Culture.

How can you tell someone that they don’t live in a bubble when you’re outright saying that your need to be loud is all that matters and other people can fuck off? People in this thread sound like children.

I think the important thing to consider is this: when you finish a conversation or night out with these friends, how do you feel? Do you think the evening was fun and the conversation was interesting, even if you didn’t agree with everything being said? Or do you walk away with a bad feeling about them and maybe about

If this makes them happy, who cares? McCarthy is above all this and gives no fucks.

That’s okay, not everyone likes clubs. I wouldn’t call someone lame for not liking clubs. There are plenty of times when I don’t feel like going to a club, but I’m certainly not going to say “I’m too old for that.” And I have plenty of friends who don’t drink who are still an absolute blast, whether we’re at a bar or

Hi! I’m the “her” referenced in this article (ie Stuart Heritage’s wife). It would have been nice if you’d reached out to me for comment about this. Or to my husband. In case you’re wondering, here’s my take on the matter:…

I’d say that using mental illness to excuse such monstrous behaviour is a pretty offensive to people that face it every day, yet wouldn’t hurt a fly.

13 going on 3o years.

Blaine is a pain, and that is the truth.

Wait, are you really trying to martyr the guy who engaged in a gunfight near a large protest and ended up shot? I just want make sure I have that right.

The victim-blaming in these comments is fucking disgusting. The goal is “stop victim blaming,” not “stop victim blaming except when the victim is someone I personally find to be icky.”

They are there to do practical work but are YOU giving them a purpose?

Update: Judy Blume has offered to help.

I love Korean day spas! I go with my friends too. There is nothing like being naked together to realize that bodies are just bodies. All the body shame/obsession is silly. You start realizing that we all come in different sizes and shapes. There is nothing inherently sexual about bodies. It stops being strange really

no. make it colder.