
and she made available a picture of herself where she's wearing clothes, not using illegal narcotics/holding paraphinelia, and had made no other headlines I know of except for this age milestone.

I'm going to approach this from the other direction and say that in addition to everything else that's been said, it would ALSO be putting an unreasonable expectation on teenage boys to be responsible for managing the feelings of teenage girls, in addition to their own. Like, what the fuck?

Even worse! :-)

Melanie Blatt is english & in England "twat" isn't a gendered insult nor is it a particularly harsh one.

"every year"

I disagree. I expect to enjoy a $15 game as much as a $60 game - I expect the differences to come mainly in visuals, length, and possibly depth. There's some fantastically fun games in the $15 price bracket; this isn't one of them.

It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy

No one cares about your stupid proposal.

My only thought.

this is exactly what i'm going to use it for, i haven't farmed since BC when I made the Khorium Destroyer on original mat craft recipe, i refused to farm ever EVER again. I'll buy 3 tokens and sell before I farm again.

Honestly, it's worth it for me to pay the $10 a month NOT to have to farm gold.

Cool. So when is the FBI going to make Tumblr and the feminists on there a priority too? Because I've gotten harassed on there by feminists. Quite a few death threats too. Oh, what's that? Double standard?

It'd be easier to take these sorts of claims seriously if people who crusade against "online threats" managed to show they're capable of distinguishing actual threats from comments made in poor taste.

There are more important thing to worry about than this.

Neither of us clean. We hired someone to and I. do. not. feel. bad.

3D printers... how do they work?

Why are Jessica Nigri and Lindsey Elise in this post when they're not even wearing a costume...?

This is your friendly neighborhood pedant here to remind you that it's Daylight Saving Time. There is no "s" at the end of "Saving."

I have been spending the past 3 hours reading and rereading this article. I simply cannot believe the angle it takes. From a plain journalistic perspective, what is this article trying to accomplish? Boiled down its about a woman that cheated on her sick husband that requires her to take care of him, and after he

I don't have any >.>