
What the fuck is this sellout bullshit?

True, but everyone weirded out about them invaiding their privacy by. 'Going through their email'... I'm saying it wouldn't be a big deal even if that really were the case.

Think of sex like popular sports. There are some people who are fanatical about it, some who have an interest, some who know just enough to get by in society and some who just don't give a damn about it except when it intrudes into their lives and... I dunno, pre-empts something more interesting.

or the paper noticed she submitted a double obit and pursued a local interest story.

Oh. Glad that evidence from past cases can be put to use preventing new ones.

It's nice to see at least one sane reply in this thread.

Firstly, this isn't a government program. It's Google, and if they flag messages that contain pedophilia, and report it to government authorities, that's their prerogative. If someone wants to email about child porn, they can find another email provider.

A sidenote but remember to password protect your wifi router (with something complex, not based on something someone could easily figure out within a few minutes). On other forums regarding this story, I noticed a lot of people posting anecdotal stories of instances where people have used other people's wifi to do

This does not necessarily mean that a guy who works for google is sitting down, reading through all your shit, btw. They might have a string of words that an automated program looks for, and if it sets off a flag, they'll read it.

I don't even care. My personal privacy is nothing compared to protecting a child. Most of my emails are related to career, family and a few kind of personal health related things. But I know I've got nothing criminal to hide, so it really doesn't bother me.

Hmmm. I think I'd take that over the paid, spied upon internet we have now.

Eh... she has a contract with a major label. I agree that the promotion happened in innovative ways, but there was promotion. Buzz, little blurbs about music videos, hints on social media, etc. Sure, there weren't ads on iTunes and a massive launch party, but that doesn't mean it wasn't promoted.

No promotion?

'Rhyming' a word with itself in another line is one of my biggest pet peeves.

Just because you don't support the Israeli government's actions doesn't mean you are an antisemite.

As a Scotsman, nothing amuses me more than someone fanning themselves and getting all misty-eyed and moistly-undergarmented about my accent or some random feature of my appearance (according to one particularly crazy individual about ten years back, it's my eyes. Yes, love, they're blue. And yes, they *are* a nice

My boyfriend doesn't smack, but he eats crunchy foods like chips so loudly that I have to leave the room until he's done, or I will go into a Hulk rage. Misophonia life!

Mine is loud eating. I go nuts. How hard is it to close your stupid mouth when you eat?


I didn't even read the whole article, but the headline alone reminds me of one of my coworkers. She always talks about how her husband refuses to eat vegetables as if it is an endearing quality of his. One time I had enough and said "what is he, five?" And she got really mad. But really I can't understand someone who