
Metaphysics, actually...

It's interesting that this list includes "You consider yourself a happy person." Doesn't that just say it all?

First: animal models are by their nature inaccurate. Humans don't go into estrus.

There are precisely two primates that have sex outside of estrus - that is, at a time when reproduction is not possible - humans and bonobos. Other animals, including other primates, *only* have sex during their fertile cycle. Trying to

This is upsetting. I'm supposed to take my imaginary kids to get ice cream in a place that supports an abortion factory!? What if they order that ice cream? What am I supposed to say to them? Every time you put that spoon in your mouth an ethnic, liberal, whore kills a baby? Am i also supposed to break it to them that

She's really immersed herself in the spirit of televangelism: begging people for money.

I guess they issued a twatwa.

If you stuck some perfume in those badass bottles, that price would be fully acceptable, if not "cheap."

I would never pay that much for nail polish but, damn, those are some fucking rad bottles.

"Stupid to be wearing a short, tight skirt in the hood. Stupid to be getting hammered around people you don't know. Stupid to allow some dude you just met to drive you home."

Victim blaming is victim blaming.

Always nice to see victim blaming from so many of the Jez commentators when it's a dude that's the victim. You guys need to change your perspective.

Two things.

This was probably the right thing for him to do, but damn if I didn't want him to see it through to the end, just to give her what she deserves

On the off chance that this gets seen, I hope that people please read what I had to say about Brooke and Charlie. I knew them both in the months prior to this incident and the liesand conjecture without proof have sickened me. Maybe things will be revealed soon but until then, I ask that all of you wait. This is a

I'm not sure that all the cries of "victim blaming!" are on point here... this isn't quite like rape culture, where the perpetrators of rape are regularly protected, defended or even endorsed whereas the victim is shamed and silenced; thus allowing the violence against women to continue unchecked.

God shut up already.

Complain about them. The ASA does rule against adds (jez has covered multiple American Apparel adds being banned) on grounds of offensiveness but acts only after receiving complaints.

Cue to some nutcases on my FB feed who are suspecting a conspiracy BECAUSE there were 108 prominent aids researchers on board. Like, aids equals gays equals Putin hates the gays equals he wants to kill the gays equals he must have shot this plane from the sky because evil.

At this point, I feel like I'm the only person in this country who can eat milk products and gluten with no problem.

While I think these people are petty and gross, I also think it is awesome to see such a compilation of proof that sooooo many people really don't give a fuck about your kids.