
Wow, how far away from reality do you have to be to think he is trying to rip-off anybody by wearing a suit. She clearly never spent any time in an office, with management people, on the street ...

God this is so true. When I was working on a tv show we all had to be there at 5.30, set up the camera's for half an hour, hang around for 6 hours drinking coffee, eating sandwiches and chatting with the crew while only one or two people were working at any time. The "stars" and some big shots would show up around

Indeed, I think this will work quite well too. Plenty of people in my guild can free up the time to raid two or three nights a week, but farming for gold on top of that is just not possible. This will help them. At the same time there will be kids or unemployed people who have plenty of free time to farm for gold and

Right? It probably takes me less time to make $10 in real life than make enough wow-gold to buy a token. Would be a good idea to sell tokens instead.

"Relativity was a mistake" -Albert Einstein
"America was a mistake" -George Washington
"Evolution was a mistake" -Charles Darwin
"Our eyes aren't real" -Jayden Smith

This really isn't the same. Those statements were made when actual scientists were already working on those technologies, they thought it was possible and they turned out to be right. No scientists are currently working on 3D printing fully functional people so it's perfectly fine to doubt it being possible at all.

I don't think he understands how human bodies work either ...

Merely existing can lead to bullying, I don't think we'll make the kids any safer by banning games with an online component. I also knew plenty of kids who enjoyed torturing animals (and other kids) without having tried it in a game first. Kids are just horrible creatures all over. Sticking them behind a computer

Time for change, let's become dolphins.

I don't agree actually, there are plenty of men that aren't conventionally pretty on TV, mostly they fall in the "goofy", "nerdy" or "slob" stereotypes. Whenever a woman is placed in one of those, they are usually still pretty but with slightly messier hair and slightly less revealing clothes.

I was just thinking that too. Sure, the media has been including more LGBT people but they are usually still pretty lesbian women.

You are lucky to be this far down the comments because people will forever defend their right to look like shit. They usually also complain about not finding a job or a partner, but I'm sure that's not related at all ...

I probably wouldn't enjoy this myself but I applaud his determination and patience!

He probably has some form of tv show or other entertainment on in the background so it's basically not different from the milions of people wasting their time in front of the tv, he just does one extra thing which is grinding xp.

Oh look, an attempt to humor. I only learned how to animate the 'blade' coming out of the handle, I never bothered to look up what actors in the original were holding during fights, sticks it seems. You can point that out without being a dick too you know.

Yeah indeed, I actually don't hold my knife and fork in the right hands but if it just doesn't feel right any other way! For some reason I hold chopsticks correctly though, even though I have never even been to any country that uses them.

It's possible that the whip was actually just the handle and that the rest was added later, including marks on the skin. This has been done ever since Star Wars' lightsabers. The material of the whip could also have been something soft that didn't actually harm the actors, in this case they would only have to add

Jezus christ, 1.4 Milion!? I know plenty of people who would have actually gone and live with her for that amount of money, she could have made a much better deal here.

The goal of a self-learning AI isn't to copy a human brain, there would be no point in giving an AI emotions or irrational thought unless they are specifically programmed in for a purpose.