
Money, probably.

Yes! This is exactly how I feel as well. Give me a job that pays me a fair wage and doesn't make me dread mondays and I'm happy.

It says kid's cartoon, not Starcraft characters as kids. Kerrigan is not a kid, this is just a different drawing style.


It's called double standard and yes, sometimes it favors women too! Shocking, I know.

Because some people don't know how to find half-naked women on the internet yet and feel too ashamed to buy a playboy.

I don't understand the hate your comments (and others like it) are getting. Why can't we blame the parents for shitty choices and, frankly, giving their already existing kids more miserable lives than they already had? Why is it up to the employers to make sure a family can support 7 kids, they don't have to care

I'm happy so many people agree with you here! I know people have the right to have as many children as they want, but as a parent you also have an obligation to your already existing children to give them the best life you can. They are making their other children utterly miserable by continuing to create more and

Not just having something forced into you, you can also have body parts forced into somebody else, that counts as rape as well.

Oh ok, carry on then.

Beck equals hipsters in the same way that Beyoncé equals teenage girls.

Yo Bears, I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but Beck is better than Beyoncé anytime, anytime!

Yeah, I saw a picture of feet in my RSS feed and didn't read the title, oops! Misleading I tell you :)

Isn't this the third time you have shown work from this guy? Does he work at Gawker or something? This is just one image and a link to the same gallery you have shown twice before.

Us Belgians truly have our shit together when it comes to food and beverages!

It looks like they were preparing for sexual contact, and that most of them consented to having sex. The problem here is that they only consented to certain things and that he went ahead and just ignored all of that, which basically makes it rape (not using a condom, unwanted anal, ...).

You actually have to work less in high-powered high-income jobs than you would in the minimum wage jobs, there are quite a bit of articles you can read about this.

Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?

Ok, I understand what you are saying. This could potentially be used as cannon fodder in the 'war' that is going on at the moment and can reinforce another negative stereotype about gamers. I myself disagree with the severity of his insults but others might not. I don't think he fancies himself a white knight though,

Well, I suppose I have a lot less issues with swearwords than you. I really just don't see the harm done here and I think Ogre had reason enough to call the guy who made the initial post some names. He didn't generalise a group, he didn't hurt anybody else, he just attacked one guy, who deserved it for his cheap shot