
An outfit from a Final Fantasy game that doesn't make any sense? Unheard of!

I'm from Flanders and there has been a study around this here. We have around 2 milion weapons in Belgium of which 1.2 milion are illegal (you can't have one here without being a licenced hunter). We basically have 20 guns for every 100 people which is quite a bit, it basically confirms that people will get their guns

It's disheartening to see the only person poining out this error is all the way down and in the greys. If you have half a brain and can de some basic rational reasoning the fact that more preschoolers are killed makes complete sense. And unless police officers and criminals are the only people ever shooting a gun this

You know, that's not really a problem as much as personal preference. I have no interest in building Lego without a plan and I like the sets they create.

How does that not make sense? Fine, I'll make a better version.

That's fine, buying seperate boxes that would add up to this amount of work would probably cost the same anyway.

Everytime I see people build something like this I wish Lego would just release a set this big, just once, for farts and giggles and to see how that would go down. I'll be the first to buy it too, as long as it's less expensive than a new car they're good.

This woman was already amazing and now it seems she is bad-ass enough to get through cosmonaut training over the age of 50.

Many people seem to disagree with that statement, and so do I. I suppose there is nothing else to say then.

It's about the movie, that's what the oscars are about, you can't just use other movies to judge his performance in this one. He has been chosen for an award for this movie.

1: I'm not English so thank you for correcting my mistake.

If you had to look it up you clearly didn't see the movie and have no right to complain about it's inclusion. It was brilliant acting whether you like the theme or not.

It's definitely possible if you have been doing the missions regularly since the start but you need to play really often for that, I don't consider that easy for most people at this point.

It's really not that simple to do all missions, even with all those followers. Once you start doing the highmaul mission you'll need 3 followers with an ilvl of 645 and 6 correct skills. It takes quite a while to get enough followers to that ilvl. Even the less difficult missions that give you ilvl 640 gear require 3

You are just not making a fair comparison here. There are many studies that show how lowering your calorie intake to the correct level will make you lose weight, and that is what weightwatchers is: a way to regulate your calorie intake. They added some extra rules to promote eating healthy foods, they made some rules

That picture just needed (Heavy Breathing)

First of all, Reaganomics isn't trickle-down theory, this is a comparisson that only political opponents of the system have been making. I'll assume you are talking about trickle-down here which is still not correct. Trickle-down has nothing to do with exsessive spending and everything to do with claiming that giving

As if this was written for the money, he (I'm assuming this is a he) got the attention he wanted now and everybody who wants to will now go look for this book on torrent websites and MRA forums.

Richard, I like you, you're a cool guy. We should do lunch some day.

Yesterday, at the TSB Bank, I was looking at the LCD display of the ATM machine and noticed that my PIN number was wrong! They mailed me the new one but I can't seem to open this PDF format of them. Is this because my ADSL line is too slow?