
What the hell? Am I the only one that often has to call a good old phone number when contacting clients? It's only normal for me to leave them a message if they don't pick up, even if I have their e-mail you can't be sure they will read it within the course of the day.

Yeah well, not the weirdest thing around I guess! (Ok it's pretty high on the list)

Ok, fair enough. I thought you sounded a bit trollish in your first comment so I responded snarky myself. Looks like we just disagree on what can be a sport.

I wouldn't say that, even today you can find tutorials for safe sex with your dog for women. All kinds of weird people around.

I bet you're one of those people that thinks chess shouldn't be a sport too. Only real man-card wielding Tim-the-Tool-Man-Taylors can do true sports amiright?


This! They are seriously just saying 'average woman', what does that even mean? Did they check every ethnicity, every age range? How was this even decided? She is a young woman, probably not living in poverty and probably with a body that functions normally, they should take this into account ...

Somebody has been spending too much time on tumblr, I hope you aren't a white male because you have a lot more privilege than me then.

Oh man, I laughed way too hard at this. Now I feel guilty.

Maybe it's because I'm not American then, a maid here costs about as much as one dinner out. Maybe you can't afford to ever eat out but well, have fun cooking then I guess.

Well actually, we just don't have kids and that easily gives you the 150 euro's extra for a maid. The guy said he didnt want kids so he has a high chance of getting extra money too.

I love how you managed to start a total shitstorm about bread and cheese, people be crazy.

I'm one of those! Whenever I see comments like the above here I'm always very confused, having a penis inside gives me both clitoral and vaginal orgasms (often at the same time) which is ten times better than anything hands or tongues can do. Nothing to do with the skill of the partner, at least not for me.

Oh please, this is such a tired argument. Getting older doesn't mean that you will loose free time at all, it might actually give you more, it all depends on how this person's life will develop. Both me and my partner are gamers with careers and no kids (no plans either, career all the way), you know what that means?

If you can't even forgive this guy for saying one thing in the heat of the moment you must be mad at everybody 24/7 ...

I guess that's it indeed, I don't think I'll ever understand why but to each their own!

He's actually saying that it's *not* possible to have both so at least he's honest. He then sais it's better to have kids instead of a nice house and he was wrong.

I love playing dating sims but I really don't understand the appeal of actual non-furry animals or inanimate objects turning into anime characters.

Well damn, people don't know what they are missing! I guess it's more popular around here then, I'm usually the only woman ordering it but at least I'm not the only young'ish person.

What exactly makes something 'an old man's drink'? My grandfather was drinking Coca Cola after the war, does that make it an old man's drink too?