sixt9coug loves his rimblow

"Do we look forward to a future where speeding cars and lone drivers in the carpool lane can be remotely shut down and fined by a central transportation routing service, or do we accept today's highly flawed, yet fairly open system of cops chasing criminals?"

A friend of mine tells me that he just bought an 85 Buick T-Type and he wants some help to go and pick it up. The only problem is that it's out in Queen Creek AZ and we are just outside of Los Angeles. Well, not a big deal really, so we decide to make a little trip out of it.

I've seen this at their Fashion Island store and it didn't look half bad. It was finished much better than the roadster. MUCH better.

Still no Tenth anniversary? Man, AZ lag....

Stone should be available out there with some ease. Hit a good beer store and they should have it. I know there is still tons out here.

Depends, where are you located?

This is the major problem. Parts pipeline is probably way behind. When I worked at the shop we had a bitch of a time getting parts for a Chevy truck that came in with 600 miles on it that had a traffic cone bust the grille out on it. No matter what we did, we couldn't find a dealer anywhere in the area that had one in

I included the windshield. I ballparked $400 for it, which is probably high. My Ranger needed a new windshield a few years ago. I had a new OEM windshield installed for $185 out the door.

I think it depends on the state, but most of the time it's done off of the ACV (actual cash value) of the vehicle before the wreck and not of the post accident value.

The rail ends are probably bent but Toyota typically uses little stubs that connect to the ends of the rails that are meant to collapse. Those little pieces bolt on and are easily replaced. However, the car did hit off-center so the rail did not take a direct hit so I would wager that the passenger rail is fine, and

This car won't be affected by that. The structure here that would be potentially affected would be the fender apron, core support, left frame rail and engine cradle. All of which are common damage areas in front end collisions and none necessarily mean an automatic total, especially on a car this new.

Reposting my reply from Oppo....

To be fair to this car, there's probably nothing behind that portion of the bumper. This is true for most modern cars.

Burrrrrp.... that's whats up.

I've said it before, but I thought the Maple Bacon Ale was alright. Weird, but much less so than I thought. It's more of a smoked ale than anything else.

This made my sinuses feel weird.

I can't say I've ever had a "great" Asian beer.

I love their brewery. Beautiful place for sure. A summer visit is in the cards. for sure. Something about the gardens on a cool summer night just sounds....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Got a bottle for me today. Woot! Plentiful out here and $6.49 a bomber, so reasonably priced!

Congrats! For a West Coaster as yourself, there is only one proper reward.