I wouldn’t mind if he just didn’t wake up at all.
I wouldn’t mind if he just didn’t wake up at all.
I have no problem writing an extensive feature when required, and we are not under some arbitrary threshold from our management. The bigger issue is that’s not what this article was about, and since I’d never intended it to be a feature with original reporting, the topic on the table had been exhausted. The…
I’ve changed. I exfoliate now. I drink almond milk. I believe in the power of CBD oil.
Why fucking not put him on the street?! Do it now before you waste any more of your life being unhappy.
Nahh, Dan’s advice here is fine. If the SO relationship develops into marriage, then the dude might consider deleting the pics. Why destroy keepsakes for a 2 month or even 2 year relationship. The woman needs to climb into the 21st century.
Murphy nearly single-handedly saved SNL when he was fucking nineteen years old. He wasn’t “given” shit.
Andrew Wyatt is a hotep that needs to take a grammar class so he can learn That he Doesn’t Need to capitalize Random words.
luiz is a good defender if you can partner him with a more conversative CB partner like during his first stint at chelsea and his time at benfica and PSG (i think at all three spots his CB partner was team captain too). but if you can’t, i agree, he is a DM. i’d rather seem him start in midfield over xhaka.
How are Arsenal fans feeling these days? I know Emery is super unpopular and the defense is a joke but they’re somehow in 4th place*! Which would’ve been considered a good place to be before the season started? Things are... okay, right?
The huge, the performative forgiveness, etc...that was bad enough. The thing that really made this maddening is that he just offered from nowhere that he didn’t want her to go to jail.
Nah, the CA was definitely enough. Totally a west coast thing.
Guessing that’s a UK thing, as here most people who use dude just use it anytime.
Pfft, I use “man” to refer to everything, women, babies, dogs, birds, inanimate objects I'm irrationally angry at.
Almost always.
He also had this great quote:
And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.
“Despite having no experience working on BMWs”
Thhey were tricked by his name into thinking the character concerns were temporary, but just realized in camp that it's actually pronounced Poly-tay.