

You’re seeing things. That's what happens when you compare a BMW M2 to a Chevy SS.

One common design element does not an identical car make. Please stop doing this.

Not at all, in fact it immediately reminded me of the wallpaper I have on the computer right now

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

Seriously? Has Russell Wilson’s faith ever hurt anyone? I mean, if that’s going to be your criteria for deciding who to root for, I think the choice between a guy who beats a child and a guy who is a little too pious is pretty easy...

Just to be safe, St.Louis got rid of all of its RAM

Thanks for that hot take circa 1981

Those are some great mock ups with useful information. I also wish they’d let people created customized skins (although they’d probably be restricted to specific safety-tested formats).

Mistake the first: too damn fast.

Nodding intensifies

Seriously. Terrified of plates. Particularly dinner plates. A normal dog is delighted to receive a used human dinner plate, this dog is horrified. We got him as a rescue, so clearly some dreadful dinner plate related event happened in his former life. From now on though, when he shoulder checks me I’m going to pull a

Me too. I have a dog that is afraid of plates. Dinner plates, butter plates, dessert plates. He does exactly this if you hold a plate out to him.

Pretty sure that’s near Vegas, dude.

Koenigsegg’s don’t get nearly enough love because rappers can’t pronounce the name, it doesn’t rhyme with anything on a two syllable basis, it can’t be abbreviated without being the name of a prominent rim maker, and people on facebook have a hard time spelling it.

Hill climb cars, by a mile.

Now playing

You mean besides the 2J? Cause its the 2J

....’87 Toyota.... ....less rust issues.... ....’87 Toyota.... What? As an owner of an ‘87 Toyota, that particular combination of words is somewhat baffling.