
That is actually pretty fucking gangster.

Orrrrrrr it's for aerodynamics, reducing road noise, corrosion-resistantce...

Neat video, but REALLY(?!) with the title?! Quit this Buzzfeed click-bait shit.

Actually, it is very different. While you may not be able to use the full potential of a performance car on the street, there's still plenty of power to have fun in any situation. A lifted brodozer is actually worse to drive around town. More power = more fun.

The wheels are pretty awful in chrome, though.

I'm going to be really sad when the rest of the world catches on to what an incredibly entertaining writer you are. I'll tell all my friends I liked you before you were cool.

Glad you replied! I've been meaning to find the person and thread where it got me thinking about it. If I recall, I asked you a few questions about the reliability of your RL and you provided me with a great reply. I'm extremely grateful for your advise!

I spent a solid six months trying to find the right one and

Someone photoshop a Brazzers logo on this.

Same situation. There's one very local to me that has 76k miles is priced at $11k. I didn't realize I needed one of these until this article.

$2.55 here in Saint Louis.

As the new owner of a 2006 Acura RL, I can say that I never would have even considered owning an Acura if it wasn't for the AWD. In fact, I knew so little of the RL that I forgot it was AWD until reading some Jalopnik comments a year ago. That got me doing more research into them until I pulled the trigger a few

Might just be routine maintenance or some emergency repairs. It's usually wide-open both ways.

Bridge construction wrapped up a year ago.

Are there any pictures of this? Extremely relevant to me. My dealership performed the pre-delivery inspections on all these trucks and they crashed right by my house while I was at work. Maybe I cursed them?

I wouldn't be so quick to blame the BMW, despite their typical behavior. It was probably parked legally and long before the fire. The police officers parked typically, which is to say wherever the fuck they want. THEY were probably the ones blocking access for the fire truck.

Wonderful to have you back and congratulations on the big move!

You could make the most boring subject an enticing read, Doug. Well done yet again.

Ah, the Great River Road. I've done many a cruise on that stretch.

What I mean is Mr. Foley is always pulling the race card on an issue not relating to race. He's always trying to equate anything anyone says to a racist statement. I wish Jalopnik would stop featuring his crap.