
So Mitt’s binders finally came in handy?

You know how us black people love to refer to ourselves as “ethnic”


Considering all the bodily fluids that married couples cheerfully share on a regular basis, the horror of occasionally using the same toothbrush seems fairly arbitrary. I’m not saying it would thrill me, but if I’m happy to have a man’s dick in my mouth, drawing the line at his toothbrush would be more than a little

I’m just going to say this: if you think Hillary Clinton isn’t progressive enough for your vote, consider that the next president could appoint up to four Supreme Court justices, and then consider the types of people that someone like Rubio, Cruz, Bush, Christie, Huckabee et. al would appoint. They probably be worse

Technically I was alive when Affirmed won.

I would like to send an order of the crap dip to the table over there. The one with the lady that’s allergic to crunchy and the man that doesn’t know what scrambled eggs are.

There’s no way that it would take more time to have him point at a line of text on a menu than to get two managers involved to eventually decide on and approve the plan Josh came up with.

hahahha Stephanie March. Props. That is hilarious.

This is a really genuine “celebs, they’re just like us!” thing for my family. Parents can be normal, stable, and generally considered to be good, chill peeps... and still produce a Chet Haze, or in our case, my cousin, a black hole of swirling narcissism from which no light can escape. Quote from my aunt: “Poor Tom

I fucking love Cass.

My ex did the opposite of freaking out and offered to officiate at the wedding at a steep discount. I think I will take him up on that because it’s such a delightfully odd thing to say. “Oh, yeah, my ex husband will be marrying us.”

This does strike me as something Dean would say, actually.

That show is a goldmine of gifs

I fucking hate how assholes have managed to create the idea that “gay people exist” is an agenda rather than a simple and undeniable fact.

Bless her heart, in the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

Sounds like that Principal could really benefit from a talk on respecting everyone regardless of differences.

And so Thomas pulls slightly ahead the neck-and-neck race to be THE WORST.

It must be noted that Clarence Thomas was the 1 in the 8-1 vote in a case that Scalia said was “really easy.”

Were your dog’s enemies ridiculous?