I think Katherine Waterston is Sam’s daughter
I think Katherine Waterston is Sam’s daughter
Of course that fucker brags about raping women.
When I was going to school in Philadelphia, there was a tanning salon that used Rick Santorum’s face in one of their ads. The caption read, “Some people are just too damn white.”
She didn’t even get a Last Fuckable Day party.
coming forward and being like “Hey, this famous person you guys think is so GREAT...she’s lying about her age and she wasn’t EVEN FUNNY” just makes you seem like a small, salty bitch. Like, this is not Talented Mr Ripley levels of deception.
you clearly are unfamiliar with the plethora of actual female rappers out there...
I was thinking he looks more like an upset walrus.
I say don’t call, write. Send them copies of information from the ACA and information from the insurance company itself showing that they HAVE to cover it, make copies of it all, and make sure and get tracking. Sure, it’s a lot of work. But you have to show the insurance company that you know your rights and that you…
The question isn’t cake vs pie.
I’m staunchly Team Cake most of the time, but then I remember The Piemaker, my absolute ideal man, and I consider switching loyalties.
Lakes are well known for attacking unsuspecting people, who are just driving around, minding their own business. You don’t have that kind of problem with ponds or rivers so much, but, damn, those lakes’ll get ya.
This casting makes our hearts hurt a little bit, and I’m sure you know why... [snip]
It was kinda surreal seeing Nick DiPaolo there saying all sorts of awful shit that he actually believes, in something that’s attempting to be subversive.
Single parenthood really isn’t stigmatized for men, first of all. We demonize single mothers, but we treat single fathers like heroes.
When you can change how dangerous and uncomfortable pregnancy and childbirth can be, then we can begin to have a conversation about this. Until then, you don’t get to make my medical decisions for me.
And a licensed nutritionist, by the sound of it! I just got my credential in dermatology by looking at my hand for a full, uninterrupted minute.
I once didn’t poop for like three days on a camping trip, so I’m pretty sure I’m a gastroenterologist.
The Avett brothers can keep on the sunny side...of my pants.
That’s way more appealing than how straight men act when women and gay men aren’t around.
How come cucumbers implies land-cucumbers?!?! You are just part of the land based elite using language to subjugate oppressed aquatic species!