What Would Raskolnikov Do?

I mightily heart you for utilizing intelligence, specific examples, and overall classiness in disagreeing with me. It does not really change my mind, to be honest, mostly because I am a cynical old fart and will need to see actual proof that it was not a setup. However, I did read and carefully consider each of your

This was clearly an insult by Teresa, and an intentional one at that, despite her claim that it was a joke. I therefore cannot wait for the reunion next week, so I can watch Caroline hand Teresa's ass to her on a silver platter, as I have wanted someone to do to Teresa since this show started.

Believe me, as an old gal, I can tell you one thing for sure about relationships: If you do not have trust, you do not have anything.

Anyone who poses in that manner is engaging in a ploy to get attention, since it makes no sense to go to all that trouble, and post the photos online, unless one wants attention. Some ploys are more successful than others, obviously.

If she had clicked 'like', he would instead have assaulted her because she liked that his mother was dead.

They cannot remember what was discussed?

The problem is that by the time they present to mental health professionals, they are unable to stop using. It is a vicious cycle, but mental health professionals need to pull their heads out of their asses, and realize that you can indeed tell the difference between a drug addict and a mentally ill person, even if

I read his book mostly because I bought it for $1 at a library used book sale, and also because I love a good train wreck. It was rather shocking, though, to think that this man is allowed to do what he does, whether on television or not.

I too have a very serious ethical problem with that show, especially given how he acts like people are horrible violent dangerous criminals, calling them all kinds of horrible names and acting like they are the worst person to ever live or breathe, even when all they really did was miss a court date on a misdemeanor

I have gone through the same thing with one of my sons when he was in college, after he had experimented with drugs for a while. I was repeatedly told by doctors that he was not mentally ill, and that his only problem was drugs. They would look at him and see a young man who was highly intelligent, well-dressed,

Snooki's cat appears to have had a malignant tumor, and Vinnie's dog died of apparent old age. Nothing mysterious about either.

Yeah, pretty much.

The child abuse charge was referencing the claim that she had drugged the child so she could party, and that drugging the child had allegedly resulted in the death of the child. It had nothing to do with her dumping the body in the woods, since child abuse only refers to abuse which occurred while the child was still

In the state of Utah, it is illegal to have a marital-type relationship with more than one person, even if only one of the marriages is a legal marriage. That law was originally enacted because the Mormon church banned polygamy in order to become more mainstream. It is now more of a response to the institutional

The Kardashians should indeed be drop kicked down a freeway, but only if the carnage is aired live for their reality show.

They all lived in one house, with each wife having her own space, but were forced to flee the state of Utah for fear of prosecution after they came out as polygamists. They then moved to Nevada, but are unable to find homes there which are designed for plural families (and though there are undoubtedly mansions big

The reluctance to anesthetize in this case is not merely because this lady is overweight, and it is irrelevant that the procedure was an abortion. It is because, at a BMI of 41, she is morbidly obese, meaning that she is at extremely high risk of premature death, and is at significantly increased risk of death due to

Six-year-olds do not think in terms of race, unless they are taught to do so. They do however think in terms of color, since we all teach them from a very young age to recognize the various colors.

The only thing surprising about any of this is that people still listen to Rush Limbaugh and his feigned outrage.

Just out of curiosity, what did you do to scare off the ladies that quickly? Was it intentional, since the word girl is in scare quotes, or unintentional?