Bitch please.
Every time he says the thing about not wanting to kiss too many women because he wants to set a good example for his daughter or not kissing Renee so her son won't get mad, I scream at the TV, "OR MAYBE DON'T LET CHILDREN WATCH THE BACHELOR BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WILDLY INAPPROPRIATE."
I still am I suspect - except the heavy metal demon has been replaced by the far more badass Tom Waits demon....
My school counselor told me I was possesed by the heavy metal demon, the sex demon and the alcohol demon. I'm not kidding. She didn't exactly exorcise me just prayed for me for a long time and totally freaked me out. I kept going to see her though since it was the only way to get out of maths.
You must be such an amazing photographer to never use photoshop! What kind of camera do you use? The iPhone 5 or 5S?
Pretty much all of your heavily contributing, years old veteran commenters pretty much agree: this was a bad idea.
"...Spoiled by all the free penis thrown their way"
I love how guys have to actually feel what it's like to be a woman to sympathize with us instead of you know, taking our word on it? Especially when a majority of women talk about their weird online dating experiences.
Is Burt banned from Thinking in a Grouply way now that she's made it?
Thank you and the same to you, too! <3
If by 'bar' you mean 'vagina' then Yes!
whose your fave now bitches?!
I wasn't on GT when you made this post originally, but as someone who has fairly recently become close to a transwoman, I read and appreciate all of your articles. I have always been an LGBTQ ally, but prior to meeting her, have never personally known anyone who is trans. Since then, I have been doing whatever I can…
Let me get this straight: a black woman tries to teach white men about racism. White men complain. Institution sides with the white men.
I can't even. Just, no. That woman was murdered, pure and simple.
Woop woop! VA voter here! See ya never, Cooch. Sucks to suck.
Lady, put a cap on that thing and let the rest of us shine sometimes!