
Bill Cosby should be on trial for his crimes... He is an accused rapist and his celebrity status is no excuse.

Not trying to be mean, but this post is about celebrity gossip, not politics.

I wasn't really a fan before tonight, but he KILLED IT! Best halftime show in years! And the RHCPs were great too!
If only the game was as exciting... I was rooting for the Seahawks, but I never like a blowout on the last game of the season!

Very nice! :)

At the tender age of 45, I WANT to be possessed by those 3 demons! ;)

Team Charddonay, here!

Such gorgeous kittehs! And brave!

Watching this right now and I'd have to agree!

I hope not, but I'm guessing she's super busy :)


Merry Christmas, Burt! Love your work here, but miss you on GT! :)

Merry Christmas, Burt! Love your work here, but miss you on GT! :)

I pick Scruffy PHG! I'd let him drink at my bar no matter how stinky he was! Oh gawd, that sounds really bad, but leaving it! :)

I wasn't on GT when you made this post originally, but as someone who has fairly recently become close to a transwoman, I read and appreciate all of your articles. I have always been an LGBTQ ally, but prior to meeting her, have never personally known anyone who is trans. Since then, I have been doing whatever I can

I don't have any pics to share because everything is all cleaned up, but my mom wanted good ole KFC! It's some kind of bird, at least and their mashed potaters are hella good! Happy Thanksgiving, Burt! You are rocking the main page!!! :)

"Milye" would be a great couple's nickname if her and Kanye ever become an item...

Do you mean Wrecking Ball is back on the market? Now's my chance!!

Why didn't someone prevent this book from happening? I watch the show, but one of the things I was happy about when this season ended was no more bad poetry!
On the flip side, no bad poetry book would mean this hilarious post would not exist, so that's something in its favor!

Was thinking the same thing! Cute doggy probably went off to more academic pursuits such as butt sniffing and tail chasing. Priorities!