
So, what time on the 26th are we talking? Anyone know? I need to plan my weekend around this haha.

I still don't understand why so many people here are against it.

I dropped a screw earlier, I was wondering what happened to it!

Yup, working fine for me in the Bay Area.

Really Giz? One sentence!

Yup. Totally read "pubic" there.

Taste the happy!

I mean yeah, Unit is pretty weird, but Moon isn't bad.

iPhone 5 with unlimited data here. Seems to be working, though I don't have anyone to Facetime with to test it haha.

xkcd already did this.

I was playing Starcraft with this girl I know, and texted my friend explaining how god awful she was...yup, accidentally sent the text to her. She was not pleased.


Well I don't know what I expected.

Old vs new homescreen. Gotta say, I'm loving the extra space.

I mean...he's not wrong...


Haven't watched this show in probably 15 years. Can still remember most of the theme song. I know what I'm doing tonight!

I don't think I have any friends left who I don't work with, or who haven't, at some point worked at this same job. So yeah, it's more that I work with my friends, than I am friends with my coworkers. I'm not sure if that's a good thing...

"Wildfire Incredible Sensation Vigor Touch Skyrocket Z E Pro taint"