
I mean, there were people who didn’t want to condemn R. Kelly’s actions until they saw this documentary (as opposed to, y’know, the footage of him literally urinating on a child).

Until I got to the picture, I thought Neil Young had died and didn’t understand... Holy shit. That paper should fire everyone involved and melt down the presses for good measure

It’s maddening when a woman’s life is to who she married or who her offspring is. My obituary will read “no one’s wife and mother of none is dead; therefore, no one cares.”

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

Since the start of Trump’s turn, with a Congress completely under his control, the national debt increased $2 trillion. But somehow, the burden of budgets and debt is always placed on the left. It’s time we let that shit die.

It’s terrifying how many people seem to want this sort of disdain for human rights in a leader.”

I was told by three OBGYNs that women do not have a libido. The one I trusted - until I didn’t - told me that women over 40 lose their desire to have sex, so she didn’t see anything wrong with the assumption that women should be surgically sterilized by ovary removal & hysterectomy after they’ve had the number of

He meant sex for women isn’t essential. They are just the vessels.

Sex isn’t essential??

I do not get for the life of me why women’s health is treated like it’s so icky, or that women are infectuous diseases for being anything beyond fuck bunnies.

I love a good Feminism Conversion story.

I beg to differ. This kind of wonkiness has been happening since always.

Thank you for your service level.

The father of a friend of mine was a manager at an auto supplier in MI. He made serious money in the 80's. Same thing happened to him. He was doing a legitimate transaction and the bank acted funny about it. He withdrew ecery penny on the spot and took it to the small black owned bank literally across the street. He

The check looked sketchy alright; it was in the hand of a Black man. 

Very proud of this year’s Ms. Spain, and for the people who helped bring her to the spotlight.

Spirited enthusiasm

I followed the EJ Norvill case in the news and what I find particularly awful is how his behaviour is being brushed off by theatre types as ‘eccentric genius' behaviour. Being a flamboyant thespian does not excuse sexual harrassment. Before all this I quite liked Geoffrey Rush, but all the inappropriate text messages

As a theatre person this behavior from Rush sounds ridiculously believable. I have no doubt that all of this has happened, and Rush genuinely doesn’t think any of it was more than playful backstage antics. Women for so long have been compelled to “take part” and “laugh with the group” about these things. Rush thinks