Well I mean, if you admit to being inspired by or admiring women it might make you all super fem and homo you know? These are just facts.
Well I mean, if you admit to being inspired by or admiring women it might make you all super fem and homo you know? These are just facts.
Okay a couple of things:
I hate to be the person that has to correct you, but Masters is actually a degree one can earn after getting a Bachelors. This has to be embarrassing for you, but at least you learned something today. You’re welcome.
world-class Masters-baiting here
Ironic mansplaining is almost indistinguishable from genuine mansplaining. This is going to expose a lot of people.
At what point do we display our allegiances by throwing plastic rats on the court?
You have to take the baton game very seriously. Wear fine linens, neatly pressed, and sit in the crowd quietly. When you feel an emotion, whisper it into a leather wallet and then keep the wallet safe inside another larger wallet. At the end of the match, after the baton competitors shake hands and exchange LinkedIn…
It’s simple, really.
1/2 situations in which Men use the toilet require the seat to be down (unless you shit standing up, which...is just impressive)
2/2 situations in which Women use the toilet require the seat to be down.
Therefore 3/4 times the toilet seat needs to be down.
edit: holy fuck people I’m not saying Men…
it’s almost like I’m in the black on Deadspin for the day! I’m just going to unload all the hot takes that never got any love over there and pretend
Dear GOP women,
Female ex-GOP here. When it’s how your entire worldview is informed from birth, “brain damaged” maybe isn’t quite as accurate as “brainwashed”.
First off - the fact that this man has no empathy and is clearly a narcissist is one thing. But can we please acknowledge that he can not even speak about “women” or “women’s issues” without talking as if he’s speaking to men about them? By that, I mean he will keep saying “I’m gonna be so good for women. Women love…
My aunt told me that it was simultaneously depressing and liberating when she hit her mid fifties and realized that she was basically completely invisible now. She could steal from the Louvre because no one even really looks at an average middle aged white lady.
I’m quite sure Meryl Streep could’ve handed in an Oscar worthy performance without being hit.
Wow. So Dustin Hoffman is a real asshole, huh? You learn something new every day, I tell ya
That is the truth, but are you just going to pretend centuries of colonialism that had its basis in the supremacy of whiteness doesn’t really factor into it? Sure, fair skin indicates that you’re rich and you spend your time indoors, just like bound feet did in China. BUT, White skin in media, in the culture and IRL…