
“Sometimes, they don’t say anything. They just sit there in silence. Like real life. That’s some next-gen shit.”

I mean this is a great contender for GOTY but can it beat Super mario Bros. 2 or...KNACK 2 BABEYYYYY!

Honestly, I really like it too, despite itself feeling like 5 different versions of the game across its 10+ year dev cycle smooshed into one and given juuuuuust enough polish to make it seem kinda coherent.

I don’t know if I’d characterize Dunkey as “usually negative”, his dunkviews usually fall somewhere around the middle and when he’s talking about games he enjoys, I don’t get a negative vibe from him at all

I was fully expecting this to be corny as hell but instead it just got progressively funnier

I’m pretty impressed by how that progressively got funnier and funnier... Everyone changing to Hanzo made me burst out loud in laughter at work.

Dude, ask your mom about this for us! I think that would be an entertaining read, what an art and design professional not familiar with video games thinks of the character designs. It’d be cool to see how well Blizzard hit the mark.

Which one is Sombra? Is it the bird?

If I asked my mother about stuff like this, she’d start analysing their character design and explaining how and why each part was done the way it was (she’s a Theory of Art and Design teacher and artist/designer).

The last time I had a design of Red from Transistor as a wallpaper and she was over at my place, she

The name E-REKTOR is 800 times better than Bastion and should be canonized somehow.

There will always be people who don’t play video games.

Can’t wait for these “guess the game character, Adult unit” in 10-20 years when the parent answers with: “looks like the tank”, “I dunno a mid I guess? Could be support I suppose”, “he’s the OP one, right?”, “Oh I bet she’s the one noobs pick because she has a flamethrower/chainsaw”

Not enough moms have proper respect for robots!

Same. Reminds me of when my Catholic and very Mexican aunt saw the manual for Diablo II sitting by my computer. That was a shit storm.

never buy Dark Souls!

“He’d be hard to defeat because he’s a robot”

I wish my mom was like this. 30 seconds into an experiment like this and she’d be telling me how there are probably demons in the game and how I need to stop playing and go to church

This is extremely endearing and I love it.