> Ryuu Ga Waga Teki Wo Kurau
> Ryuu Ga Waga Teki Wo Kurau
I came here specifically for this.
“ ...the plot thickens”
Perfect execution.
I wouldn’t mind if it played like Cube World.... (I need closure...)
Yeah, this looks like it’s a near clipping plane thing. Not so much a glitch per se, but definitely not intended. So I’d wager the latter?
My main purpose for even opening this article was to make that joke... oh well...
... but do you like Pokemon?
I'm on my third day of listening to this album with some new headphones I received for Christmas, and I still haven't listened to the all the tracks yet because they are so good that i've had a few of them on repeat. So then I previewed some of the Final Smash Tracks, and I would have to say this is pretty much one of…
Darn, they just changed it to "Test". Glad I screen capped it in time!
I'm so glad that I backed the Kickstarter for this project.
Origin and Uplay Confirmed?
"It's not the time to use that."
Nintendo is god in this instance.
What if Zelda's a gril?
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I hope Reggie isn't the reason why Iwata is in the hospital
Called it.
The power of money. Everyone was mad when it wasn't free anymore, but still cheaper than AWA. I always managed to have more fun at Momo-con nevertheless.