
Sad that there should even be a debate about this sort of issue. The fact is racism isn't as prominent as it was 50+ years ago and people tend to act as if we are still going through the Civil Rights battles (which we are just not with racism). If we continue to draw attention to racism (given the small amount there

Just can't let it go eh Sam?

Why do all of you Gizmodo editors troll and flame so much? I don't really care so much of your opinion as I do news on recent technology and science (that is what you use to do). Now all I hear are over zealous opinions as to what sucks and why people are stupid for liking/buying it.

@jmcm: Wait...pot's illegal?

@trs: That was a good one. :)

I was a huge fan of the first game and the second one looks great too but the only addition I would like to see in the new one is the ability to get off of your board.

It's about damn time, my copy of Oblivion is starting to get old.

I call shenanigans, the whole POINT of rock band,guitar hero,etc... is the piece-o-shit plastic instruments so making a game like this without said instruments is like cloning a human just without sex organs.

Google "Dragonica", go to the official site and you can see some screen shots of it, though to be honest it seems like they are trying too hard to make it unique where maple story was just so odd and different that it was good, could just be me however.

They are VERY shiny but that doesn't make up for the time it would take me to fill out the form and on top of it I can just purchase one for $3,000.00 in about 10 years so why bother trying to get one now?

Palm wounds (DBX Budokai 2 and Mario party),carpel tunnel,head rush and once when I got REALLY pissed off at a game I was sitting crossed legged and slammed the controller on my bed and accidentally hit my knee I broke the controller too.

Sweet Jesus that's purdy! I can't wait to buy this game in fact i bought my 360 mostly to play this game and by the way the screen shots look it wont disappoint.

I might be a Sony fanboy but I still think they are HUGE dicks.

if they do it similar to WoW than it should be just fine you know like have certain areas (that need to be) dark and others kinda brighter and imo there are plenty of dark areas in wow (example: darkshore,UC,Silverpine forest,etc...) people just need to stop complaining.

ah so now the question is Master Chief vs Kratos!

wow...i thought he was going to rip it apart but it seems like he liked it.Also a big problem for me has always been the fact that i can never get anywhere in the damn game because i like running over pimps and hookers and starting fights with cops. :D

yeah i thought that the U.S. version of the Zoids tv show was on like 5 or 6 years ago so correct me if I'm wrong but i don't think it has been on since then.And if i am right than why are they making a game of it?