Sonic 2 XL > Sonic 2 HD.
Sonic 2 XL > Sonic 2 HD.
Read the last two sentences of that post again until you realize what you just did.
Imminent happiness
There was, but it was only released in Japan. It was one of many "HD" remakes Sega produced as part of its "Sega Ages" collection there.
And that was not a very good save.
If it ends up explaining that Shepard was indeed indoctrinated - which is the only way that the ending makes any bit of sense - then I'll be satisfied.
Beware the nice ones, as they say...
I think we just found our next Photoshop contest.
I certainly didn't detect anything to that effect, but it's always a possibility.
and they don't seem pleased about it.
Also, the fact that they beat Comcast pretty much invalidates the entire poll.
I suspect a lot of people are going to be really mad when they fork over $40 [!!] for this and find out the hard way that it doesn't give them an advantage over the skilled players who put in the hours to get all that stuff.
Its Biowares store
Nice try, Mr. Walters.
This poll isn't going to affect anything in any way. The "winner" isn't going to get disbanded or anything. This is just what the readership of one site thinks. Yes, they're wrong (Comcast should have beaten EA by a mile), but their word is not the word of god.
Oh, stop it, I'm getting all Misty-eyed now...
Probably nothing to be worried about, as the console doesn't store it internally. Something tells me Microsoft's investigation of Microsoft isn't going to find a whole lot of damning evidence anyway.