10) Vise
Dear Buick,
Caffeine and calisthenics. Gets the caffeine moving thought your blood, makes your body feel better after being cramped in the car. My dad was known for turning the keys over to my mom, having her drive for a .5 mile and he would run, then get back in the car and we would press on. when traveling alone I like pushups…
When I was in college, this is how when ranked colleges..... I went to Sierra College.
If Audi had built the R8 TDI then maybe they would be worth mentioning... but sadly that Dodge Ram can take any diesel VAG has on the street.
Diesels are slow.
no 22R... 3A
Please Mr. President walk away from the RWD, V8 Powered (read: inefficient, gas guzzling) Automobile, and leave it alone. We know your love for wacky schemes to get us all out of our cars and into electro-bubble cars. Please sir, walk away from the Mustang. "I will not walk away from the promise of clean energy"...…