Any vehivle with a heavy clutch. Drive something back before they used a hydraulic clutch.
When ever any on asks me what my goal in life is, I reply, “Have you heard of Gunther Holtorf”
My dad always wanted one of these. My dad is a 6’4” guy who wears flannel and looks like Paul Bunyan. No way in his wildest dreams would he fit in one. But when my sister turned 13 my dad let his “little” secret out. When I turned 13 me bought me a 1951 GMC suburban, so its only logical that at 13 my sister would get…
Learning how to work on your own car, and having your own tools pays off in many ways. I remember when I was 25 trying to buy my house and the loan officer asked about the debt I was carring. He was shocked when I told him I had none. He reminded me that auto loans counted. I told him I’ve never taken a loan for a…
Oh Portland, I’m beginning to dislike you as much as I dislike San Francisco.
Pretty sure that she same procedure used at GITMO
We’re running 2 12” electric fans. truck runs cool. we talked to a few guys who’ve done cummins swaps into this ventage ford truck and most of them said move the radiator forward and use the mechanical fan. But those guys were also using the older 6BT none-intercooler. We had already got an intercooler from an ‘03…
We, My dad and I installed a Cummins in my dads 88 F350. It took us 9 months. We worked on on the truck about 2 weekends a month, and when not working on the truck we were ordering and fabricating parts. The swap could have been quicker, but my dad and I both wanted this to be a very nice clean install.
Plus I only paid $80 for the Tercel :)