
This bridge is pretty much in my back yard and was the first bridge I thought of when I read the question... then I thought of the bay bridge and the Foresthill bridge was much less scary.

UMM... its Ugly. never liked cross over vehicles. But thinking the Flex looked good has been one of my guilty pleasures. In my opinion it should look more Flex like and less like a Kia.

India, because turbo diesel compact truck.

At least those cars will have clean injectors ;)

Get my 4WD Tercel back on the road... Take the old lady (the car) camping.

Hank Hill will be waiting for the CTX with anticipation.

Nah, This is the new Humvee

Nah, This is the new Humvee.

LOL I have the same feeling about propane forklift exhaust. My first Job was in a pear shed where they grade the pears and box them. I made the boxes. the box machine was next to the loading area. lots of forklifts running all day.

Your headache comment gave me a headache just thinking about pumping gasoline into my old truck. every time i touch a gas pump the smell stays on my hands and gives me a headache. in contrast I've never had the problem in any of my diesels. Thank god the new truck is a diesel :D

like this one?


yes sir!

see sleek coupe, read "hybrid of some sort", loose all interest.

Corolla Tercel... Because the T is a hawk... so fast... and the car is NOT fast.

eh, that AMG logo makes me think of corporate branding. A car with that logo is just a very well equip Mercedes Benz.

My dad use to get really mad when my sister and I would play slug bug as children... fast-forward and my sister and I are now in our 20s. Shes the VP of the local VW club and drives a Diesel Golf. Shes always sporting the latest VW propaganda. She comes over to my dads with a "punch dub" t-shirt and tells me its a new

nothing says "oppressed people" like a population that can be policed by a 240D

The Hyundai Veloster... show this thing to the engineer who designed the AMC Pacer and tell him "You were on to something sir!" because doors of equal length are over rated.