I'm sure Jony Ive is delighted that he has such eloquent spokesperson to translate what he's thinking into words. Don't put words into his mouth. You haven't earned that right.
I'm sure Jony Ive is delighted that he has such eloquent spokesperson to translate what he's thinking into words. Don't put words into his mouth. You haven't earned that right.
I wish that was so. But it isn't. The ITU redefined 4G last year and HSPA+ is now included:
Dear U.S. Gov't, we're Gizmodo. You may know us from our iPhone 4 coverage (yeah we're *those* guys). Just wondering, got any pics of Osama Bin Laden dead? 'Cause y'know it's been kind of a slow news day in tech and our editor has been breathing down our necks to amp up the pageviews 'cause of all the sold campaigns…
Here's the recipe. [www.guardian.co.uk]
iPhone 4S is already 4G according to the ITU. Why do people insist on using 4G and LTE interchangeably? They are not the same. LTE is *one* type of 4G. HSPA+ is another. iPhone 4S is HSPA+.
Just when I thought I could never bring myself to read another Gizmodo post, you publish this. Well said, well thought out and totally on-point. Nicely done Mr. Honan.
The icon is fine. You're messed up. This post is proof enough.
So we're supposed to clean our stainless steel with WD-40 but then "clean it thoroughly afterwards" ? I find Windex cleans stainless really well and there's no extra cleaning needed.
Sam Biddle, you deserve a humungous Hell Yeah and a high-five. This one article is enough to make me want to read Giz again. Stay this course... and maybe, just maybe, America will come to its senses in time to keep the country from falling into the hands of dangerous ideologues.
It all makes sense now. Never could understand why Gizmodo put so much effort into pissing off its readers. But if you genuinely think Pitchfork are a bunch of geniuses for doing so then I guess it's only logical that you'd follow suit. Sigh. And I just became a cog in the machine.
Are you serious? Sending a photo of your penis isn't sexting? Unless the person you are sending it to is a doctor and you sent it for the purpose of getting a remote diagnosis for a rash, there's sexual intent and is therefore sexting. If you don't like the label, maybe you just shouldn't do it. But don't claim it…
LOL - liveblogging a shuttle launch is like liveblogging a concert. Why bother?
I don't agree. Look, here's the issue - we all choose which blogs to read based on their stated subject matter. Gizmodo, once upon a time was all about tech. That's how it earned the fairly massive following it has today. But we've all noticed the increase in the volume of non-tech stories and we're using the comments…
I'm not a huge fan of Arrington, but I think you're reading way too much into this post. My take is that much like his very public stance toward PR companies' use of embargoes (which TC does not agree to) he's now warning the industry he covers that he will not be "doing the right thing" anymore because when he does,…
Another fantastic tech article. Thanks.
That pilot's ego is writing checks his body can't cash. That's not his airplane, it's the property of the government of Argentina.
If it's just an iPad-optimized site, why would it need to pass the App Store Guidelines?
Darn, now who's going to ban me for questioning Giz's content? ;-) Seriously though, I think it's a good move... good luck!