
If it's not true and they know it's not true that sounds like blatant stock-manipulation to me. Oh, BTW, pretty sure it's "non-existent". Sorry.

Sam, this is nothing new. Ever since the first caveman put a painting on a cave wall, content creators have craved approval, or at least, a reaction. Love me, hate me, just don't ignore me - or so the saying goes. It's just life, man. Now the real call to action should be on the part of the people who see these

You just increased the value of this post by a million percent.

Eegads! You wound me sir. Say what you want about my opinions, call into question my logic, but to assail my wit? That goes too far. I demand satisfaction. I'll be back in a few weeks to extract it.

Promising, but more practice still needed. I'll be back in two weeks to check your progress.

The number of likes isn't surprising at all. Since likes are simple - they're just a click - there's no barrier to creating them. What would be more interesting to see is the "like rate" i.e. what percentage of "likable" content did people actually like?

Right, and no one will ever need a 7" tablet. Things change. Apple has realized that, so why haven't you?

Er, no. But keep trying - I'm told that you can get good at anything if you practice enough.

No, you should apologize for the pointless comment.

Sam, have you actually had hands-on time with the iPhone 5? If not, why the snap-judgement? Also, if the width is the same, but the height is bigger, is that really the same as "no longer small"? I think you're over-reacting.

You wouldn't think that a drive-through employee needs to be reminded how important it is to check that the bag they're handing over actually contains the right food items, and yet, they fail to do so ALL THE TIME.

I'm very surprised at Anand for saying the iPhone 5 won't have NFC. He's too smart to say something like "you can almost entirely rule it out." when for all we know the product shots we've seen so far only tell part of the story. I'm betting it will have NFC. Especially given that the way Apple iterates their

I don't agree - got a nasty scratch on my iPhone and there's no way it was caused by sand. Could only have been my keys. Even remember the day I accidentally put them in the same pocket.

This is B.S. Unless it prevents *every* sperm from having enough motility to swim more than an inch or so, it can't prevent pregnancy. All it takes is one determined little guy to make it to the egg, and you know the rest... Moreover, when this one swimmer does make it, what kind of a baby will it produce if it's

Totally agree - we need multi-accounts on tablets. But you forgot about the one device that actually gives you this level of control: Surprise - it's the PlayBook. The feature is called BlackBerry Balance. Quite simply, it rocks.

Teknion makes a line of sit-stand workstations that are incredible - I use one in the office. They're not cheap, but they would give you what you want in a self-contained unit:

Don't be a twat. Just because these articles don't get a lot of comments saying how great they are doesn't mean no one is interested. LH probably did a look to see how many people are searching for "standing desks", noticed it was quite high, and added it to their list of article topics.

Disagree. When I used a blackberry, I was able to go 2-3 days between charges. My iPhone 4, then the 4S both can barely get through a day. My usage of the devices is roughly the same.

"The reason that we haven't seen LTE to this point is Apple's dedication to great battery life. " I'm sorry - are you on drugs? The iPhone's battery life is dreadful. When was the last time you saw someone carrying around a Mophie Juicepak for their Blackberry?