Sir E

Good question 🤔 I’m sure there is, i just can’t watch people stream & don’t understand peoples fascination with watching them..

Yeah you would hope they would clean up their act and stop being a shit person, but most of the time they’ll just continue to be a shit person/asshole in life till its to late....

That and just saying, you son of a bitch! Is also great to say 😎

Yup sure does! he got one of those faces as my brother would say, that meant for punching....

Yeah I got nothing 😪 other then he looks like an asshole......

Well i guess twitch finally got around to their gardening and pruned his sorry ass 🤔

You could also say, they’re what looks like two xbox series x hiding back there too? One on the right laying side ways and the other on thw left standing up 🤔

You mean they didn’t have these before in japan 🤯 i thought they already had stores that just sold masks in japan, since you know they actually wear them when their sick over there?

No it doesn’t! I just loaded in it and got the same number of ads in it 😪

Really 🤣

Yeah they got the money to throw around....

Surprised kotaku hasn’t made a streaming media page to cover this crap? I’m sure they can make bank off all the people who’d view it from all the fucking ads on this site now....

That he is, but I’ll take ninja over pewdedpie any they... now that asshole is full off shit, then again i don’t watch other people play video games, when i can play them myself....

Real gamers shit in buckets! 🤣

Yeah he should have been arrested for that bullshit, but noooooo because hes a twitch/youtube personality 😪

$499 for the xbox series x is a hell of a deal when you factor in you get backwards compatibility for all xbox games and hardware on the series x, well minus the kinect...

Same! I still have my launch dreamcast which i love.. its just ashame sega killed the dreamcast because of piracy & we will never see another sega brand built console ever again, but on the plus side now we have sega games on every system....

Yaah i know! Fucking bowie was the head of the guild 🤯 seriously pissed this show got canceled, the animation to the music was clissic...

Cause like most cartoon network apps, there pretty much bare bones pos that don't offer anything of any value....

Harly quinns great and all, but she ain’t no venture brothers! Where else are you going to see Brock Samson driving the million dollar man & a shaved big foot around 🤔