Sir E

Cant wait to see how they add microtransactions & dlc to a TV show 🤔

Yum churro flavored pizza sticks 🤤

Really 😱 only ever released in japan i bet 🤔

WTF! Are we somehow time traveling back to the n64 days, when paying $69.99 was sort of justified because game where on expensive cartridges...

Yes it sucks to be a gamer in Canada having to pay those prices 😪

Well yes, but not to the tune of animal crossing 😅 

Well now I’ve seen it all, well almost 😅

I think Nintendo might be doing the same soon 😅😅😅 I bet they never expected something like this to happen with animal crossing 🤯

Please say you haven’t tried any of these out 😅

Well at least they could have done tribute cover....

Or microtransactions! Don't forget those, cause EA doesn't 😪

Yup 100% agreed, this guy is a peice of work & should have been banned along time ago for his e3 bathroom stunt! Let alone arrested for what he did 😪

Yeah right a schtick! He’s 100% that way on camera or off, and anything he might do out of the kindness of his heart is the real schtick...

Soo now they’re turning forkknife into a weird ass drive-in like movie theater 🙄

But what will happen to all the mixer integrated shit they made for games? 

Yup just not fair....

Its Ninja fault....

Well atleast they got paid and get to keep their money?

Well we all know why it looks like that, its being stuck some place nice and moist to check the temperature before shoving their head up their ass....

Not to mention all the other idiots 😐 i guess there is a silver lining....