You forgot xbox 360, xbox one s & the xbox one s.a.d which is just a sad excause at naming but just funny ass hell to me 😅
You forgot xbox 360, xbox one s & the xbox one s.a.d which is just a sad excause at naming but just funny ass hell to me 😅
Wow this game can't catch a break! Well unless its a game breaking break 😅
Hell fucking no! Those things are fucking ugly and at $150 Ninja can stick them where the sun don’t shine....
I’m also guessing it has to do with people stealing the new release games and retuning blank dvd/cd with the games covers back to the kiosk, I’ve gotten these countless time when ive rented a game from them 🤬 only to get a free rental as a compensation that i never end up using, cuase the last time i did the same…
though that sounds like fun, i still not playing that epic pos if you paid me to play it from 9 to 5 each day....
Still not enough to get me to install and play this game....
And another one bites the proverbial dust....
Wonder how their going to handle the micro transactions.....
Oh yeah cause China doesnt steal cooy righted shit and then passes it off as their own...
Thats the first thing that came to mind, given the fact they copied everything as their own...
Yeah, how much will it cost and can anyone who hasn't played online easily get into the moonshine business?
R.I.P, Looks like valve is getting out of the hardware and controller market?
Yeah and their are people who want to use certain pokemon in the game and see how far they can take then against other pokemon...
Yeah thats what I’m thinking? Their going too milk the micro transactions to death which is going to suck...
Also there is no video tour link?
Dude thats soo awesome!Â
Soo is it still going to be free to pay on switch, or is it going to be pay to play with a hefty sprinkling of micro transactions spread thru out the game?
Yup don't care......
Wow wasting all that money to hunt down some leakers when they could be using tbat money to add the missing pokemon to sword & shield.....
Yeah but your still playing against cpus that act like player ghosts, kind of like forzas driveavatars...