Sir E

I Got an update when I log into destiny on xbox one so I think it might have gotten patched already, But I’m not 100% sure since I haven’t done any of the things in order to try this & see if its still able to get any of it free?

So is this for everyone or just for those who have the $ony Play$tation 4 version of destiny???

So is this only for the PS4 version or will Xbox one Gamer’s be able to race too? Since it really doesn’t say if its Playstation exclusives or not in the video or in the article here....

only bought mad max for the xbox one from target for $25 :p Had a few other game’s I wanted to get but I just couldn’t pull the trigger to buy them, still can if I wanted to but for some reason I just don’t feel like I should?

Yeah and MS was fucking stupid for not having the HD-DVD player built into the xbox 360 from the start! Look at how well dvd did when the PS2 was released with a dvd player built into it! Then MS goes and release’s the xbox 360 with a addon HD-DVD player which was dead on arrival because its should have been built

If you consider the Steam box a console then I guess that’s an alternative :p But it is just a PC stuffed inside a consoles shell so its up to the person buying it to decided where it falls inline with Console or PC or is it a hybrid?

Going to ZERO HOUR the xbox 360 launch party was my best And favorite memory, and its was held at a location in the Mojave desert that I believe was part of Edwards air force base>? Either way It was awesome being there for those two days & Nights even thought I didn’t get an xbox 360 until a year later because I was

Yeah being able to place the PS2 game I already own into my PS4 and downloading the emulation software to play it like the xbox one does right now with Xbox 360 game’s would be great, but like many have said before Sony may very well just make it so people have to re-buy each PS2 game on there PS4 if they want to play


curiosity killed the cat? Holly shit why did I google “degloved” face? I hope she gets a speedy recovery because those are some nasty injury’s :(

any website do a side by side comparison of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection PS4 with the PS3 version yet?? Would really like to see what has changed from the PS3 version and been upgraded in the PS4 Collection....

Yeah I have yet to try one since I don’t know anyone else who owns a Wii U and One can’t buy a new power supply for the Wii U because they don’t sell them, Unless you consider eBay but then your not guaranteed a working one....

I bought a Wii U early in its life cycle, But only played it a few times because there wasn’t any game’s I wanted to play on it besides the exclusives like Mario & Zelda & a few from this list. The fucked up part is it Died(Won’t turn on) about a year later after its warranty ran out and at the time Nintendo wanted to

I also bought a Wii U early in its life cycle, But only played it a few times because there wasn’t any game’s I wanted to play on it besides the exclusives like Mario & Zelda. The fucked up part is it Died(Won’t turn on) about a year later after its warranty ran out and at the time Nintendo wanted to charge me FUCKING

Dude ACIV been offered as free downloads of the month on both PSN & Xbox live gold, unless you plain on playing the game on PC then it better to wait for a price drop since no one offer’s free game’s on PC :(

Man they did the same shit with the PSP, they started out supporting it but then decided to slowly stop making game’s for it and then moved on to the PSVita which they basically also fucked everyone over on as well :(

To bad there wasn’t a 3ds version, because that is the only system my niece plays game on or own’s :( would get her a console to play game’s on but her mother doesn’t want her to have one or a TV :(

yeah that’s what I want to know? only thing that keeps being mentioned is this guy who makes them and show them off in his videos, no where does the dude show you how to make your own :(

You would think it wouldn’t be needed by now since its been forced down are eye balls in most every freaking game, We already know how auto saving works why are you telling me this again>?! It should be a screen shot that flash really fast instead of waiting for you to press said button to get rid of it, we already

That’s great, now where are the videos of him showing you how to build your own out of Lego’s and what Lego pieces your going to need?