
I tell them that I’m a Buddhist. (I’m not.) And then when they ask what turned me away from “the Lord God Jehovah,” I say, “well, for one thing, Buddhists don’t come around to people’s homes, bothering them about religion. Have a nice day!” And I shut the door.

Also, Trump lied during the campaign about having no business dealings with Russia, while at the same time he was going ahead with plans for Trump Tower Moscow. The plans for that building would have made it the tallest skyscraper in the Europe/Russia area, but he didn’t know anything about that.  Riiiiight.

That would certainly explain how her and her husband have remained married, since he’s been so obviously disdainful of Trump.

Yes.  Did you know that Iron Eyes Cody was an Italian-American actor, and not actually Native American at all?

I was wondering why the person whom Conway was talking to didn’t remind her who she works for, and then I saw that she made those remarks during an “interview” on Fox & Friends.

OK, I’m confused here. What is the “B” in “Scouts BSA” stand for, if not “Boy”?  If they want to rebrand as an inclusive organization, why don’t they call it “Scouts USA”?

In early January, she attempted to address the issue, and I thought that was the last of it, but I guess it’s going to stick to her.

One of the reasons that Republicans don’t want to make election day a holiday is that it subverts one of their voter suppression methods. In some areas, they try to limit the number of voting machines, which induces long lines on election day. Due to their work situations, some people can’t afford to wait for over an

It’s pretty obvious what happened.  There was no bear.  It was Bigfoot.

Apparently, his teleprompter froze so he had to ad lib, and what we got was his personal fantasy about driving across the border with duct-taped women.

She might have been trying to chase down one of her ten yachts that got away.

But we don’t dare attempt to address climate change for the good of future generations because it might cause some current economic hardship.  It’s truly amazing that these people’s heads don’t explode from the stress of holding so many contradictory thoughts at once.

California said that they’re going to give those workers unemployment benefits anyway.

True, but I was looking forward to the Democrats taking turns yelling “You lie!” after every second or third word out of Trump’s lie hole.  He’d never make it all the way through.  His head would either explode, or he’d run and hide, like he does when he doesn’t like those “nasty” reporters asking him questions.

Two years down, at most, two more to go. Hang in there.

It’s kinda like what Andrew Gillum said to DeSantis: I’m not calling the MAGA hat buffoons racists, but racists believe that they’re racists.

We do have a national emergency, but it started on January 20, 2017.

Apparently, he served them 300 hamberders and 1000 hamburgers.

Dude hasn’t even come up with a plan with what to do with the money he’s ALREADY GOT.

Actually, at various points he has said that the wall was going to be 35 feet, 40 feet, and 50 feet high. And when Mexican President Fox said that Mexico was not going to pay for Trump’s wall, Trump said that it would get 10 feet higher every time they said they weren’t going to pay for it. That would make it around