
I think it’s a metaphor for our society: Republican politicians running over, and killing, the working class.

You missed. Trump talking. In choppy sentences. And using. Very small words. So that his base. Could understand him. The content. Of what he said. Was bad enough. But the way. That he talks. Is infuriating.

Now, “ending ‘catch and release’” means to massively increase the use of detention of asylum seekers. Which is awful.

And several “Mayor’s” declined to attend, like New York’s de Blasio and New Orleans’ Landrieu.

GWB: “I don’t do nuance.”

Samantha Bee did a bit about how 2010 was the most important election for progressives... and they didn’t show up.

In 2016, that someone was clearly NOT Trump. Even a casual knowledge of the guy would tell anyone that.

It is fully Republican mismanagement and their contempt for the majority of Americans that has brought things to this point. They attempted to use their one shot at budget reconciliation (simple Senate majority) for FY 2017 to kill the ACA, and failed to do so before the clock ran out in June. For FY 2018, they used

If I had $100,000, I wouldn’t spend it at Barf-a-Lago. How rich do you have to be to be willing to spend $100k on one evening at Barf-a-Lago?

He doesn’t understand why we have the electoral college.

“an LDL cholesterol level of 143, well above the desired level of 100 or less.”

Also, Obama is from Hawaii, so Trump probably thinks they should be nuked twice.

(-1%) + (-1%) = -2%

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!

“White House officials are so incompetent that they don’t know how to use the mute button.”

“Martin Luther King, Jr is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.”

Coincidentally, most of those traitorous Confederate monuments and memorials were build between 1900 and 1920.

To paraphrase Picard: “There are six whites!”

Not only that, but