
It's Dave. Dave was the total opposite of Christ. Dave was a twat.

Ramsay is a power-hungry megalomaniac sadist sociopath. There are people in the real world like that. Scary as it is to think about, Ramsay’s ruthlessness is nothing compared to the acts of horror that have been committed in our real history, in pursuit of power.

If Game of Thrones has taught us anything, it’s that the quickest way to die is to be a good and noble ruler ...

At this point I think Disney just give Robert Downey Jr.a blank cheque book and just lets him write down whatever figure he wants to be paid as long as he agrees to keep showing up in Movies.

Good to see him take responsibility for the issues in AoU. Still, James Spader’s performance as Ultron was worth the admission alone.

This has been the only thing positive for me about these movies. They lost me with First Class. Absolutely loved In Search Of!

Okay, I gotta say that’s one of the best pieces of viral marketing I’ve seen. It didn’t even click until I started watching that, oh of course it would be an “In Search Of” style show, I grew up on that series. And Takei too, filling in for his dear departed friend! Genius.

Kenan’s (pronounced like “Keh-nahn”, rather than “kee-nen”)

I thought it was an updated version of this:

A homeless, 80+ year old, amputee, World War 2 vet, with PTSD!

Watch Sharon Carter kick an amputee right in the face

Of course that’s fake, you can’t even see the turtle.

This, plus the fact that there is no such thing as too many samurai or ninjas, space or not.

Suicide Squad? SUICIDE SQUAD?! The. Dirty. Dozen.

He’s also basically a space samurai because I guess that’s what every space movie has to have now.

Shouldn’t he also being attacked by the Spider-Mobile? Honestly though unless this results in them addressing One More Day and bring back the marriage I really don’t care.what happens to Earth-616 Spider-Man.

Better yet, why didn’t the World’s Greatest Detective figure out what both Lois and Luthor figured out: that Superman is Clark Kent?

They should have stopped the moment the blond woman said : “Did we wake you?”

A large orange, left-to-right-moving object?