
Nobody does bat shit crazy like Japan. They can take the most boring things and turn them into an acid-fueled kids party....

Shits tight. Nuff said.

This is what happens to a child who's never been told no.

As far as numbers subbing for letters goes, that one worked better than most i've seen.


pfsshhh, thanks Obama....

we got big bugs, but at least we don't have to see a shit-ton of them at once.

practically everyone has been an Avenger at one time or another.

True. They both had a pretty damn solid run... from the 90's to today. One might say Kevin & Marks' voice talent outlasted all movie and tv incarnations combined if you were to break it down in entertainment hours. Thats probably why peeps have a hard time letting go.


that shit is so badass. love it.

hahahaha! nice!

repeatedly. that would explain the late response.

i thought he only kissed birdman with that mouth.

over, this interview is!

i approve of this style of humor.

and that made all the difference.

well said.


yes and yes.