worst. analogy. ever.
worst. analogy. ever.
cracking good image.
which means you don't have someone you love who has autism.
because the humans of today couldn't build the giza pyramids for the hell of it.
It's India.
brilliant show. great characters. great story.
better red than smeg.
you mean homoerotic.
unless you want to foot the bill for all new sets for a show that exists solely on the web.
money. time.
well done. sick.
yes. yes i do.
i agree with you. but i saw them anyway. they are amazing so far.
sucks to be you. :(
they obviously didn't have the budget for sets. the flares are a cheap trick to blend the foreground to the background.
i smell movie
i applaud you for your conviction and sense. i am a bleeding heart liberal, but i long for the days when republicans actually embraced intelligence and brought real world ideas to the table. whether i agreed with them not, it was actual intelligent debate about the good of the country, not mindless rhetoric and foot…