
She french fries the entire way down. I watched three times just to be sure. Doesn’t pizza even once. This woman should be on a stamp.

Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

Why does dad need a glock though? The time to think about this was before we allowed every white dude with a camouflage baseball cap to stockpile weapons for the war with our democratically-elected gubbermint that they’ve been pretending is JUST AROUND THE CORNER for 40-odd years. We should have stopped these fools

I never shut the fuck up. It’s a blessing and a curse.

“Why would banks not want to make more money from any customer they can find who is qualified?”

Invalid trolling: the study controlled for income and loan amount.


Violence is celebrated and fetishized, whereas any semblance of sexuality that deviates from the norm* (*what religious nuts feel is the norm) is demonized. It’s absolutely disgusting that a person can’t be who they are or perform their choice of consensual activities without being shunned and made to look like a

The race/ethnicity of the perpetrator will decide the official response. Options:

I’m amazed that the conservative media sphere isn’t afire over this.

Apparently no Americans wanted to work at Trump’s Braircliff Manor property

I grew up in the same circumstances, though I will say that even though we attended church religiously (sorry), we received next to no assistance from them, outside of a box at Christmas, so my faith (sorry again) in religious charities is really quite limited. The only reason my mom, myself, my brother, and my

Actually, there’s a hierarchy of class/ethnicity in Asian cultures, just like every other society (because people always need something of zero consequence to make them feel better about themselves over others). Ali Wong did a good bit on it in one of her comedy specials. Basically it says that Northern Asian cultures

Southeast Asian usually refers to India and Pakistan.

Given the ethnic make-up of Sacramento it’s likely he’s referring to the Hmong, Mien, and people from Vietnam and Cambodia.

The student who designed the project, described as a boy of Asian descent...

Gamergate V. Feminism is often operating on a different set of facts. This article smartly articulates a lot of those misconceptions - censorship predominately among them.

The game we’ve written about multiple times over the past few years, right? That we’ve run videos of? That one?

I don’t agree with the bulk of Anita’s arguments, but I’m always perplexed why these GamerGate people freak out whenever Anita critiques the industry. It’s a critique not a fucking court order, damn!