Charles Marzette, Jr.

I was going to say that he does an excellent American accent for a Russian.

That’s an amazing video. From the lack of profanity I think we can assume he’s either Canadian or, at the very least, a first generation ‘Murican of Canadian decent.

I blame VW for releasing a design sketch of something so iterative and confusing me.

I want to do this so bad. I need a car, money and desert...

They sponsor pretty much all of the Hoonigan "team" and support lots of cool events.

Ford has been killing it with the hooning videos as of late.

And you know why the Focus RS is coming to the US with a manual transmission? Because good people like us bought a ton of Focus STs and loved them.

"He who is last shall be smiling and sideways"

If soulja boy gives the presentation at the Volvo stand at this thing's debut I'm gonna die of joy.

Haha, fair enough. To be honest, this is the best use of the grille I have seen so far. The part that REALLY irks me with their designs are the head lights. Straight on, they are fine. Any other angle though and they become hopelessly hideous.

The dude on the bike was a Jimmy John's delivery driver. The guy ordering hadn't even hung up the phone yet!

This is proof that top speed (in reference to a cars performance) is an asinine measuring tool. If there is no place ON EARTH that a car can reach its top speed safely, than whats the point of having such a car?

Someday. Someday, the Carrera will get it's revenge on this punk....and it will sacrifice itself to do so...

It's a decent name, I'll give it that. But it's far from creative. It sounds a lot like Competition Orange from Ford. Actually, couldn't any color be Competition something? Competition Beige, anyone?