
I'm waiting with decreasing patience for America to have its man-up moment, to stop acting like 310 million sniveling toddlers crying to mommy.

If a Seth Rogen movie kills America, then the country deserves its fate. Let's break it up and start fresh.

You didn't reply to anything I typed. I explained why mainstream media's use of feminism is troublesome. But, you decided to ignore that to type out a snarky reply.

(Eh. Jezebel tries to shy away from being called a feminist blog so this post is kind of funny) But, I think that part of the problem is that so many things that fuel the patricarchy have been veiled in "Feminism" and "Empowering" and "Agency." I can understand why some people (the logical ones, not the trolls

Why do you assume people talking about journalism integrity never said a word before Quinn?

I have had stalkers and restraining orders issued in the past, I have had people show up on my doorstep when my personal information was HARD to get. To have my location revealed to the world would give a entry point for a few mentally ill people who have fixated on me, and allow them to show up and make good on the

Nathan, this is Joe from Patent Pending (Mario). Thank you so much for posting about this and for all the kind words! We sincerely appreciate it and we're really glad you found all of the hidden Nintendo jokes. If you ever re-watch, you'll find plenty more the second time around.

Try again. I think this is a subtle parody of mainstream pop boy-band culture. I'm gushing like a dweeb in my post for it.

whether you like that sort of music or not you really should get a bit farther. The "confessionals" are so littered with silly game references it made me giddy.

This is Gawker Media in a nutshell:

Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.

The funny thing about all these developers signing on to this is that "gamers" aren't even really mad at them specifically, they're more mad at the "press" and "journalists" that have been pushing one sided agendas.

But the big issue right now is not hate. It's journalistic and developer integrity.

I think it's important to let people speak their mind, man. Taking away people's words doesn't make anyone feel better.

Anything with Drake will never be great, sorry.

Stop the MRA stuff for fuck's sake. Do you have to always fall back on that, you insufferable cunt?

It's fine, we'll just reboot a good, popular movie that only had women. You know, once one gets made.

Anyone else just pictures Tumblr feminists complaining about this one way or another?

He's really good at completely avoiding the question.

All I have to say is Gen X Fuck off. You guys are the ones who allowed shut to happen. Many Gen Y's just got their voting rights. Look at noone but yourself. And get back to work. Your all lazy.