
To be fair, it’s not like there’s much content being gated. It’s pretty much just cosmetic gear.

The whole point of principles is to apply them even when it’s inconvenient, or unpleasant.

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

First thing I see on Jalopnik.....

In the last two games, Lara constantly screams and moans. Was she like that?

Now we wait for Microsoft to accidentally send Kotaku a Scorpio.

Or maybe most people aren’t terribly interested in having orgies inserted into common games they play, so they find it amusing when it inevitably is?

Afterwards when NASA refused to give the planes back and sent the message “finders keepers” to the USAF, that’s when the problems began.

Nah. And from Jimmy Carr that's a bit tame.

They must have been working night and day to clean up the streets of Birmingham for this shoot.

The bike grinding stunts were the coolest part of it. Most of the cars landing on rooftops or running into things to stop, meh.

People like this gentleman existed when the draft was in place.

It was not a choice for some of them.

You seem to think this guy just woke up one morning and decided fighting Nazis would be a fulfilling and rewarding career choice. That’s not how it worked.

This guy doesn’t get it.

Climbing into a plane day after day to face the hell of Nazi bullets and flak knowing you only have a 30% chance of completing your tour alive is more than enough to earn this gentleman an extra degree of respect and deference IMHO.

Well, she’s kinda a hack. Her subsequent seasons of her show have been... tired in terms of the comedy and she just went through a huge issue where she was fine with a misogynist giving her show value as long as it was under the radar.

Actually, no. You only have a right for arms.

What the hell are you talking about?

This is the douchiest statement i have ever read online, and i get the monthly newsletter from