someone decides to murder the laws of physics
someone decides to murder the laws of physics
The picture of Beijing from the Daily Mail could have been dismissed as fake straight away, based on the fact that it was on the Daily Mail.
Lego should read this before making their lisa looks dopey
Ideas like these are all the rage all around Europe these days. The EU (and thus the EFTA) has committed to reducing passenger traffic by car and seem to think that everybody can just take a bus when ever they feel like going somewhere. They all seem to forget that our society has been based on the liberty of…
;) I've been thinking about my GBC recently.
Nah, they SO removed those ads!
Chrome do you ever sleep?
James May did it...though not with the Rick Roll lyrics.
Did it go extinct naturally, or due to human interference with ecosystems? If it's the former, then no. Nature ran its course for that species. If it's the latter, then yes. We should at least attempt to undo the damage we've done.
Can I vote for Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg?
Ah yes - they didn't strike a home run the first time at the bat, that means they cannot do anything good ever. Yes, that is sound logic
Maybe he started when it was still popular and it just took awhile.
More than anything, I'm surprised people are still Rickrolling.
Fuck Batkid. What a waste of money.
I think this is fantastic, but I have a question. What about the next terminally ill child who wants to be Batman? Would the city do this again for them?
I was happy with the direction they took. The Mandarin even before the reveal looked like a character designed for effect, not an actual person, so to me it made sense that he was revealed to be a fabrication. It did get me thinking of the real world and how Bin Laden seemed to be more of a media creation than a real…