
It's funny how much Feminists selectively choose to omit things to suit their agendas.

I'm of your generation Totilo, and let me just say that not all people of our generation agree with your views on gender and games. In fact I find Kotaku's focus on the topic to be nearly obsessive.

I love Miyamoto. When he answers a question it feels genuine, and with regards to Zelda Im glad he wouldnt just do a role reversal for the sake of equality.

Cause as guys, we're the worse type of hostages. Will complain about lack of food, asked that the window be crack just a little bit, or how we nick ourselves with a razor because we weren't provided with shaving cream.

Men have a strange innate desire to rescue/help women. This obviously is a bad trait that is a result of patriarchy and is evidenced in so many video games. Men, please suppress this inherent desire to be protective of women. A small minority of women and men find it offensive.

If this is cross posted with jezebel, then I see many arguments arising...again, and again...and again.

Now playing

I will just leave this here and say I agree with him completely on this :)

Game prices drop.... do you believe the crap you post?

This is the first electric car I actually want. The part about keeping some of the old charm and clatter is spot on, I can't imagine not having that. Also, maintaining the shifter is awesome, in both it keeps the driver engaged (if you want) and also changes the nature of the vehicle.

Except when that happens with Xbox One, you can't choose "No" and stay offline.

I am not against that.

its a sad day for kotaku news

Another slow news day at Kotaku Towers I guess.

Please make sure you update this article with a summary of how much $ you made from this post. I think it will be hilarious.

The only thing I got from this article is that skeuomorphism is a word you throw around when you don't like something and don't have a real reason why. We can all agree that leather stitching and green felt is bad skeuomorphism, but a notepad app that looks like a notepad? And a stylish, modern notepad at that? That's

Oh my god, this calendar is a week behind! No wonder nobody takes iOS7 seriously.

I loved FFXII, so this would be an instant purchase for me. I know many people didn't like it, but the game made me feel more in control of battles since it gave me the option to physically run away if needed. I find that the random encounter rate on other FF games are a little too high sometimes.

Shame most people seem to despise XII.

I would say Note 2 as well, routinely get 24 hours on a single charge, have gotten as much as 3 days.

Same here. Medium to heavy usage and I easily have 30-40% battery remaining at end of day. Some days I end up with using only 30% or less!