
The note 2 is impressive. Even with regular use all day the lowest I have ever got the battery level to was 45%. its so much better than any other smart phone I have ever seen

They still have yet to say why I should buy an Xbox One if it is essentially a more restrictive PC. I already have a PC that can run most games, why should I spend an additional $500 for an Xbox One? Used games aside, disc swapping was my only reason for purchasing a Xbox 360 in the first place.

That's palladium, 0.15 grams. We need at least 1.6, so why don't you go break down the other 11?

"Why add makeup and eyeliner to a walking zombie?" Unsentimental much? I've been watching game systems come and go since the Atari VCS, and I've always rather enjoyed the "2.0" treatment given to a console nearing end-of-life. Call me animistic, but producing a more compact, cheaper final version is like...I don't

The place where all there is to drink is room-temperature coke, and there are no icecubes to be found.

Brawl was better than Melee. There I said it.

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a little sad. I feel like Molyneux is like a little kid who has really big dreams that are just impractical, like building a giant robot or something. Now the one thing he made that gained generally favorable views from people is so out of his hands that he wasn't even in on the

Jesus... Gear box need to get their act together. First, their investment in DNF ended up with the game being a critical and commercial failure. Then, they had a falling out with SEGA over embezzling A:CM development money. Now this?

Between this and the Sega thing, wow, Gearbox sure seems like a pretty shitty company.

they are a sleazy company beneath the trendy, hip with the internet crowd fans they try to win over.

To all the people arguing and raging over whether or not this thing is "sexist":

There's nothing sexist about the original cartoon, because it's specifically labeled "My Mom's Computer Keyboard." Making a joke about a particular person's shortcomings could be cruel, but it's not stereotyping since no generalization is being made.

In our household this would by "My Son's Keyboard Thingy" and I would be the person getting the call "Mom, can you help me? Not Every Mom's computer keyboard is like this. Some of us are quite advanced in technology and understand this stuff.

Is it necessary to mention she's bi-racial? As much shit as Patricia and Luke and you give the entire industry if anyone so much as mentions gender, isn't it hypocritical to see color?

Ok Microsoft, thanks for making it so easy for millions of your customers.

Get it folks? don't buy it, lets all just go to PS4 where we can play offline.

Let the mass exodus of 360 owners begin...!

My guess is that the slope ensures that when someone pushed the PS4 right up against the back of a shelf that there's adequate airflow for the vents.

What's a "Drake"?

Great use of Kotaku. It's not as if the biggest industry event is happening or anything.

I actually thought the opposite. Xbox One was FILLED with shooter after shooter after gritty, brown shooter. "Project Spark" and "Killer Instinct" were all that interested me.